Caspar Popova


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About me

I am a first-year Ph.D. student in the Lab for Programming Languages at the University of Maryland (PLUM) advised by David Van Horn and Leo Lampropoulas.

I am interested in contracts, property based testing, and compilers. I am currently working on creating generators from Racket contracts: generating terms that satisfy the preconditions of a contract to check that the program-under-contract satisfies its postcondition given a valid input.

I am a 2023 NSF CSGrad4US Fellow.

(2025-02-06: I am currently looking for summer 2025 internships!)

Previously, I was advised by Christos Dimoulas at Northwestern University as an undergraduate. I worked on the HO-benchmarks project with Lukas Lazarek. I also contributed to the MemOIR project in the Arcana compilers group.

Between UMD and NU, I spent 2 years in industry at Epic where I did population health analytics.


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Last updated: 2/6/2025